Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Preggo Pics 4 1/2 months

Halfway There

I am 20 weeks today. 20 more to go. Everyone says how quickly it goes but I don't feel that way, I feel like time has drastically slowed down, haha. I'm sure once Zoe is here it will feel like time is moving way too fast, but I cannot wait until then. I am so excited to be a mommy, but it still sounds weird saying that. I have been feeling her at night for about 2 weeks now, and yesterday I could feel her moving around at work. I can't wait until Brandon can feel her. I had an appointment on Monday and I got to meet the doctor, she seems very nice. She told me I am still losing weight and that I needed to increase my food intake...what? I already feel like I eat all of the time, so I have been munching on fruits and veggies all day. I feel like a rabbit. Other than that she said everything else looks good and not to come back for 4 weeks.