Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day, even though Brandon said it did not count for me. I had to remind him that even though Zoe is not born yet, I am still carrying her around with me 24/7. We went to church in the morning with all of Brandon's family and we got to hear Julia give her first talk. It was hard to hear with all of the kids making noise but I heard most of it and I am very proud of her. She is growing up to be such a smart, confident, and caring young woman. We went back to their house to eat some lunch and play Wii. It was delicious, thank you Sheldon!!! After that we went home to spend some time with my family. Unfortunately me and Brandon did not feel all that well (allergies), so when we got home we took naps for about 3 hours. Later that evening I played games with my mom and watched some tv with her, just relaxing. Zoe was very active while I was laying there, and so I told Brandon to hurry up and come feel. He got to feel her move for the first time, it was very exciting. She was still on the move so my mom get to feel her also! My mom had to wait a little longer, I kept asking "Did you feel that?" and she didn't and then all of a sudden Zoe kicked real hard and my mom's eyes got huge in surprise, and she said "wow I felt that one!", I just laughed and said "Happy Mother's Day".