Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's A Girl!!!

So i went and had an ultrasound last night and found out I am having a girl!!!!! I am so excited and I can't wait to go shopping. Her name is Zoe Leilani Maughan. She is due to arrive in this world around mid to late August. The ultrasound technician said that she was very active (moving all about). I even got to see her yawn. I was suprised to find out she was a girl because I definitely thought it was a boy. Brandon knew it was a girl (or was hoping at least), he wants to have "Daddy's little girl". I am so glad that Brandon, my mom, and Lisa (my mother-in-law) all got to share in the experience with me last night. My little lady would not cooperate and turn over last night to get a picture of her spine, so I had to go back this morning for more pictures. Luckily, she was right where she needed to be. Now all I have to do is have patience to wait until August to see her and hold her.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Updates

Yesterday I went to the doctor's and I got to hear the babies heartbeat for the first time. It is the most precious sound in the world, it makes your own heart skip a beat. I was so glad Brandon was with me to hear it, I haven't been able to hear it the last 2 appointments. I told Brandon he was good luck, he said "yeah the baby just loves me more and wanted to say "I'm here daddy"", he is too cute. He will be a wonderful daddy, I can already see his eyes light up when he sees other babies around. I just made my appointment to find out if it's a boy or girl!!!! I go March 24th at 7pm. I am sooooo excited!!! We have already agreed on a girl's name (Zoe Leilani) but Brandon won't agree with me on a boy's name. I want it to be Noah Paul, and he said he would think about it. Maybe it will just be a girl and we won't have to worry about it :)