Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For My Mommy-In-Law

I am starting this blog because my mother-in-law suggested I do so to keep everyone informed of mine and Brandon's lives. So I would first like to announce that we are PREGNANT!!!! I am sooo excited about being a mommy, I cannot wait. I am 14 weeks today, and morning sickness is slowly easing up. This pregnancy has not been easy for me. I was throwing up numerous times a day, and feeling nauseous all day. Poor Brandon said I was getting "boring" because I never have energy to do anything, and all I want to do when I get home is sleep. I will post more later I need to start work :)

1 comment:

  1. Cami- Welcome to the world of blogging! I love all the memories I have saved this past year; I just wish I could've started sooner. Zoe or Noah is one lucky baby to have all of your pregnancy and beyond memories...unlike my kiddos who have falling apart photo albums or worse; pictures thrown in a big box!
    Love you-Lisa
